来源: | 发布日期:2023-07-20 | 阅读次数:

       一、课程目标 Mission




With the rapid progress of intelligent science and technology and the increasing complexity of engineering systems, safety and risk has become one of the most important challenges the world facing today. To cultivate more talents with safety professional knowledge and practical experience, the Summer School on Advances of Safety and Risk Engineering has emerged as expected. It aims to improve students' understanding of safety and risk management, cultivate their problem-solving ability and innovative thinking, and provide sound safety and risk management solutions.

The Summer School on Advances of Safety and Risk Engineering is a graduate course event held by the School of Mechatronical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT).

The course will provide advanced scientific knowledge and relevant research methods for postgraduates majoring in safety science and engineering, emergency science and engineering, mechanics, mechanical engineering, aerospace, vehicle engineering, and process engineering, laying a foundation for their scientific research. Simultaneously, the knowledge and methods elaborated in this course can also be used for reference by teachers, researchers and engineers in related fields.

二、课程介绍 Syllabus


The 2023 Summer School on Advances of Safety and Risk Engineering will offer the following courses with a total of 32 class hours. The course will be offered from August 7th to August 11th (Beijing Time).

三、相关信息 General Information


This course is open to current graduates, postdocs, faulty, professionals in research institutions, and industrial R&D engineers. Lectures will be presented online& offline. No fees will be charged. BIT graduate students who finish the program will be given credits.

四、报名方式 Registration


Registration time is from today to July 27, 2023. Register online via the QR Code. After you register, please join WeChat group to keep in contact. Acceptance notices will be issued by August 1st.



五、联系方式 Contact Us



联系邮箱: huixing.meng@bit.edu.cn

For inquiries, please contact the program administrator.

Huixing Meng

Tel: (86) 18518125208

Email: huixing.meng@bit.edu.cn

六、课程简介 Course Content


Advances of Safety and Risk Engineering


The course mainly introduces the fundamentals of risk and safety engineering, toxicology and industrial hygiene, qualitative and quantitative risk assessment, source and release modelling. In the meanwhile, the course will discuss the two side of risk: consequence and probability, as well as inherently safer design, failure modelling, maintenance scheduling, etc.


The Need for a new Paradigm in System Safety Engineering


The traditional assumptions about the cause of accidents/losses have served us well for several hundred years. But the world has changed enough that these assumptions are no longer true. Previously unparalleled levels of complexity and new technology, particularly computers, have created new causes of accidents. Traditional models of causality and the tools based on them are not effective in understanding and preventing these new types of losses. In this talk, I will explain why something new is needed and suggest that systems theory can provide the basis for an expanded model of causality (called STAMP) that better fits today’s world.


Safety and Security Challenges in AI-Human Interface


In the era of artificial intelligence (AI), AI-Human Interface is deeply influencing the safety and security in complex systems. This talk will discuss the Safety and Security Challenges in AI-Human Interface.


An overview of regional risk and resilience analysis


The maintenance, repair, or replacement of existing vulnerable, deficient, and deteriorating structures and infrastructure represents a significant investment. To wisely invest the limited funding, it is crucial to use advanced risk analysis tools in the decision-making process. This presentation discusses a general formulation for regional risk and resilience analysis. The presentation explains how to conduct a regional risk and resilience analysis considering multiple hazards and different infrastructure, as well as the effects of deterioration and interdependencies among infrastructure. The presentation also shows how the physical damage to structures and infrastructure can be cascaded to predict the likelihood and duration of business interruption. The presentation concludes with an example of regional risk and resilience analysis considering a hypothetical earthquake in the New Madrid seismic zone.


Date-driven risk analysis in freight transport systems


Addressing risks of different features requires integration across disciplines and across research methodologies. Currently, we lack the critical understanding of which kinds of risk schemes can most effectively harness science and technology for achieving long-term resilient and sustainable freight transport systems (FTSs). This presentation aims at introducing a series of studies on data driven risk analysis which enables the quantification, integration and communication of risk information from different areas and facilitates the movement of risk culture from a traditional reactive single dimensional scheme towards a new proactive multiple dimensional regime. The work will address the significant methodological issues associated with resilience and sustainability sciences particularly with reference to risk analysis under high uncertainty.


Reliability and maintenance analysis of systems with dependent failures


As technology advances, modern systems composed of interconnected devices become increasingly complicated. Failures can occur due to the interactions and dependences between different components. From the perspective of probability theory, the failure probability of one component can be different when the conditions of other components change, and such a failure is called as a dependent failure. In the talk, we will have an overview on the types of dependent failures and some research in these year on reliability and maintenance analysis of systems with dependent failures that the speaker participated in these years.


Robust and scalable prescriptive analytics for infrastructure network resilience enhancement


This talk discusses the application of prescriptive analytics in enhancing infrastructure network resilience, with a focus on two key aspects. First, the seminar will introduce distributionally robust optimization as a strategy for ex-ante planning under ambiguous failure scenarios. The speaker will present exemplary case studies to demonstrate the efficacy of this approach. Second, the seminar will delve into the use of deep reinforcement learning to improve ex-post response and recovery planning for large-scale real-world systems. The speaker will discuss the challenges posed by deep uncertainties and computational complexity, and provide insights into future research directions.