
联系电话 :010-68914292

E-mail :mezhangxw@bit.edu.cn

办公地点 :9号教学楼533

  • 所在学科
  • 研究方向
  • 教育背景
    1999年9月—2005年7月 北京航空航天大学固体力学专业,本科、硕士
    2005年9月—2009年8月 香港科技大学机械工程系, 博士
  • 工作经历
    2010年3月—2015年8月 151amjs澳金沙门 讲师、硕士生导师
    2015年9月—2022年12月 151amjs澳金沙门 副教授
    2023年1月—至今 151amjs澳金沙门 副教授、博士生导师
  • 学术成果




    1.Wu MZ, Zhang XW*, Zhang QM, Zhong XZ. Study on the splitting and expansion-splitting modes of thin-walled circular tubes under axial compression. Thin-walled Structures, 2023,182:109890

    2. Zhang, Xiaowei* and Yu, Tongxi Using Electro-Rheological Fluids in Shock Absorbers. In: Olabi, Abdul-Ghani (eds.) Encyclopedia of Smart Materials, 2022, vol. 5, pp.152–170. Oxford: Elsevier.

    3. Wu MZ, Zhang XW*, Zhang QM. A new model for the expansion tube considering the stress coupling: theory, experiments and simulations, Defence Technology, 2022,18(7): 1190-1204.

    4. Ma XH, Zhang QM, Zhang XW*, A model for rigid asymmetric ellipsoidal projectiles penetrating into metal plates, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2022, 163: 104140.

    5. Zhang XW*, Zhang QM, Ren XJ. Theoretical study on the dynamic compression and energy absorption of porous materials filled with magneto-rheological fluid, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2022, (161): 104105

    6. Zhang XW*, Tao Z, Qian ZY, Experimental study on the energy absorption of porous materials filled with magneto-rheological fluid, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2019,133:103347.

    7. Zhang QN, Zhang XW*, Lu G, Ruan D. Ballistic impact behaviors of aluminum alloy sandwich panels with honeycomb cores: An experimental study,Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 2018,20(7): 861-884.

    8. Zhang X.W*, Tao Z, Zhang QM, Dynamic behaviors of visco-elastic thin-walled spherical shells impact onto a rigid plate, Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, 2014, 11(14): 2607-2623.

    9. D. Karagiozova, X.W. Zhang*, T.X. Yu, Static and dynamic snap-through behaviour of an elastic spherical shell, Acta Mechania Sinica, 2012,28(3): 695-710.

    10. X.W.Zhang*, T.X. Yu. Experimental and numerical study on the dynamic buckling of ping-pong balls under impact loading, International Journal of Non-linear science and numerical simulation, 2012, 13(1):81-92.

  • 教学工作
    (2)研究生课程《材料动态力学行为》、全英文课程《Dynamic Behaviors of Materials》
  • 荣誉奖励
  • 社会兼职
    2、担任《International Journal of Impact Engineering》、《International Journal of Mechanical Sicences》、《Acta Mechanica Sinica》、《Engineering Structures》、《Composite Structures》\《力学学报》、《北京理工大学学报》、《兵工学报》、《防护工程》、《航天器工程》等期刊审稿人;